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Financial arrangement in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2021-03-31Updated:2021-03-31
Similar words: spatial arrangementgeneral arrangementfinancial managementfinancial statementarrangementfinancial statementsfinancial settlementrearrangement
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1. There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.
2. The new financial arrangements were awkward to manage.
3. The financial arrangements are all in order, Samuel.
4. Whether the vendors' financial arrangements present any structuring opportunities?
5. McGann, it seems, is opting for the financial arrangement / power axis model of marriage.
6. Looking at the administrative and financial arrangements more generally, the diminution of political concern is remarkable.
7. If you are agreeable to the suggestion, the financial arrangements need not be a barrier to you.
8. No method of working, system of cropping or financial arrangement is sacred or unalterable.
9. First of all, the financial arrangement.
10. The financial arrangement and terms under consideration could not be learned.
11. So, developers enter into a financial arrangement with an investor who does have a large tax bill.
12. All mortgage financial arrangement shall be subject to the final approval of the bank(s) or financial institution(s).
13. Copenhagen L 9 Agreement is a financial arrangement, not a global warming solution.
14. All financial arrangement shall be subject to the final approval of the bank(s) or financial institution(s).
15. And insurance is a kind of financial arrangement, that's EXACTLY what your life is.
16. The latest sale is contingent on to Dallas-based Empire completing financial arrangement, Ladd said.
17. However, even at this stage the reader will appreciate that global banking is now an established feature of international financial arrangements.
18. Competition is keen and candidates must offer a minimum of an upper second class honours degree together with evidence of satisfactory financial arrangements.
19. Johnston said the contract was exploitative and restrictive,(Sentencedict) with the financial arrangements much less lucrative than she'd expected.
20. One interesting issue in China's financial reform and development is the dilemma of financial arrangement at the county-level economy.
21. This two-year stimulus program has gone through scientific feasibility studies and is supported by a detailed financial arrangement.
22. The analysis on risk retention concentrates on the reason, financial arrangement and its impacts.
23. It also analyzes the major questions in nature reserve administration, such as the resource right, the financial arrangement, and the construction inside and adjacent to the nature preserve.
24. No, I'd rather go there with a definite idea about the financial arrangement .
25. Yesterday, Mr Bowen and Mr Li reached a general agreement on the financial arrangement.
26. The first definition of insurance that we will examine is the financial one. In this instance, insurance is a financial arrangement that redistribute the costs of unexpectde losses.
27. Experience indicates that international OFCs not only provide the better place for reallocation of resources, but also improve macro financial arrangement of a country.
28. For decades, the United States has relied on a tortuous financial arrangement that knits together its economy with those of China and Japan.
29. The development of regional economy, progress of market-oriented economy, legal environment, the financial arrangement of central government, and macroeconomic behavior are the determinant factors.
30. In contrast to a Ponzi scheme, dependent upon an unsustainable progression, a common financial arrangement is the so-called "pay-as-you-go" system.
More similar words: spatial arrangementgeneral arrangementfinancial managementfinancial statementarrangementfinancial statementsfinancial settlementrearrangementdisarrangementflower arrangementliving arrangementfinancial statement analysissecurity arrangementfinancial aidfinancial investmentfinancial auditfinancial assetsfinancial advisorfinancial abilityfinancial affairsfinancial analystfinancial accountsfinancial analysisfinancial centerfinancial accountingfinancial guaranteefinancialfinanciallynonfinancialfinancial loss
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